Muay Thai Tips & Tricks

Breaking Yourself In – 8 Common Muay Thai Injuries
Training Muay Thai is as physically and mentally rewarding as it is tough on the body and mind. Being a contact sport, you’re regularly striking pads, people or bags and therefore exposing yourself to causing damage to yourself and others. This, coupled with the fact training is intensive and demands full-body engagement, makes injuries common, especially for first-time practitioners.
What Is Primo Fight Wear?
Founded in 2020 in Bangkok, Thailand - the Mecca of Muay Thai - Primo Fightwear has quickly established itself as a global player in the Muay Thai space. Their designs and craftsmanship push the boundaries of style and material selection for Muay Thai gear, resulting in products that are bold, durable and often unique.
Enhance Your Mental Wellbeing With Muay Thai
People are increasingly conscious of the integral role mental wellbeing takes in our individual lives, and rightly so – it is estimated that 1 in 6 people experienced some sort of mental health problem in any given week. No longer is mental wellbeing the taboo topic it once was but is now an increasing focus amongst healthcare institutes, government policy and employers too.
Foot Troubles From Muay Thai Training - Muay Thailand
Training Muay Thai is tough on the feet, despite the fact we land kicks with our shins. The constant movement, pivoting and footwork generates friction which can result in blisters, sprains and cuts.
How To Increase Flexibility For Muay Thai
A fundamental route to unlocking the full potential of your rotations, power and speed in Muay Thai is by building a high-degree of flexibility throughout your body. Developing the ability to quickly move your limbs through a wide-degree of rotations without strain or injury, will significantly contribute to you're overall effectiveness in Muay Thai.
How To Pick The Right Muay Thai Shorts
Muay Thai shorts are incredibly distinct and, besides kickboxing, are rarely seen in any other sport or martial art setting. They are specifically designed for Muay Thai practitioners and are built with materials that enable ventilation, comfort and heat dissipation....
What is Purposeful Practice and How to Do It
What's the difference between practice and purposeful practice? It's all in the approach as purposeful practice is focused and designed with attaining a specific goal that will improve overall performance, one step at a time. It’s kicking a heavy bag 50, 100, 1000 times until you rotate your hips the “right” amount. It’s jabbing countless times with a focus on bringing your hand back to your chin quicker than someone can counter you with your guard down
What NOT To Do At A New Muay Thai Gym
Joining a new gym, whether you're new to Muay Thai or a veteran, can be an intimidating experience. The new sights and sounds are the background to new faces, new coaching staff and new session layouts. It can be a lot to take in and adjust to. Your approach to that adjustment and your attitude to your new peers will influence the speed and ease at which you'll get comfortable at the new gym and start learning there.
5 Ways to Accelerate Your Muay Thai Learning
Whether you're just starting out in Muay Thai or are a well experienced veteran, there are always new things to learn, things to tweak, new approaches to adopt. Having a mentality of continuous life-long learning is integral to martial arts, your career and getting the most out of life.
How to Train Muay Thai Skills Outside the Gym
Practicing Muay Thai is best done in a well-equipped gym with knowledgeable coaches and enthusiastic partners. However, that doesn’t mean your learning is restricted to a gym setting. There’s various ways to diversify and accelerate your learning of the sport in the comfort of your home, while commuting or in a public park. 
A Brief History of Muay Thai
Modern Muay Thai has evolved from its historical Muay Boran roots, where it was used in battles when soldiers lost their weapons, to a regulated, rules based ring sport. Muay Thai is Thailand’s most famous culutural export and, nowadays, is known throughout the world for its beauty and brutality.
How to Stop Flinching In Muay Thai
When you first start out in any full-contact martial art, it's difficult to embrace strikes coming your way without flinching, moving and/or blinking. It's a natural human tendency to want to avoid pain and be hesitant in the face of incoming strikes. Given the frequency of sparring and drilling in Muay Thai training, it's important to condition your mind and body to incoming strikes so you can make the most of such training methods.
Muay Thai Equipment Guide For Committed Practitioners
This guide assumes you're committed to learning and enjoying Muay Thai and seek advice on what gear you need to get the most out of all your training, along with what equipment you'll need to mitigate and treat injuries.
Essential Muay Thai Equipment for Beginners
This article provides guidance based on the assumption that you're either new to Muay Thai and aren't yet sure whether its the sport for you OR you enjoy training Muay Thai but only do so infrequently, with a focus on the fitness aspects without engaging too heavily in sparring.
5 Different Approaches To Use In Sparring
There are some stylistic approaches you can adopt in your sparring sessions which will broaden your experience and help develop your learning in this way. They'll also force you to think creatively and help you diversify your arsenal. Try them on different sparring partners and adopt the approach which fits into what you're looking to learn/achieve in that sparring session.
How to Gain Respect at a New Gym
Whether your new to Muay Thai or a well-seasoned veteran, going to train at a new gym can be an intimidating and uncomfortable experience at first. Unless your name, skills and experience precede you, it's likely you'll not know many people, if any, and you'll be walking into an environment filled with testosterone, sweat, bravado and even ego.
How to Look After Your Hands and Wrists In Muay Thai
Your hands and wrists form 2 of the key limbs used in the Art of 8 Limbs. Not only are they integral to effective boxing, they're also crucial components of your blocking and clinching capabilities. Unfortunately, your hands and wrists are two areas in your body made up of numerous, individual bones.
Why Train Muay Thai: 9 Compelling Reasons
While Muay Thai is widely considered the most effective striking discipline in the world, its reputation often deters many people from practising the sport as they consider it too brutal or likely to involve too much pain. While there is some justification in this, much of the pain arising from contact can be avoided and the benefits Muay Thai brings even the average practitioner are worthwhile and varied.
How to Clean Muay Thai Gear
Over time, all that hard work you put into your Muay Thai training rubs off onto the gear you use. While the materials will weather over a longer period, in the short term it’s easier to notice the transfer of all the various bodily fluids you secrete during training and all the dirt that accumulates on you and your gear from the gym. To maintain your gear, increase its life and keep any pungent odours at bay, you need to clean it thoroughly and frequently.
How to Clean Muay Thai Gloves
Your gloves can be a continuous source of pungent odours if you don't take the time to prevent odours building up and rid your gloves of odours when they do arise. Fortunately, it doesn't take a lot of time and there are plenty of methods to help keep your gloves clean and fresh.