Muay Thai Tips & Tricks

5 Ways To Use The Teep
The teep, also referred to as a push kick, is a long-range, diverse Muay Thai technique that can be targetted at various body parts. It is different to a front-kick in that it uses thrusting and extension of the hips,...
How to Learn Muay Thai: Diversify Your Training Now
After a while of regular training, it's likely you'll hit some sort of plateau which will frustrate you, make you question your level of passion for the sport and have you searching for ways to make it exciting again. This is common with any sport or hobby and you'll need to evaluate whether it's a genuine disinterest and not just a “wall”.
5 Different Approaches To Use In Sparring
There are some stylistic approaches you can adopt in your sparring sessions which will broaden your experience and help develop your learning in this way. They'll also force you to think creatively and help you diversify your arsenal. Try them on different sparring partners and adopt the approach which fits into what you're looking to learn/achieve in that sparring session.