Muay Thai Tips & Tricks

5 Tips For Effective Muay Thai Drill Work
Drill work is a particular type of training that’s incredibly useful for developing techniques, defence and movement in a controlled, measured environment. It is the closest type of training to sparring as there are not pads or bags involved just protective equipment (the same used in sparring).
Breaking Yourself In – 8 Common Muay Thai Injuries
Training Muay Thai is as physically and mentally rewarding as it is tough on the body and mind. Being a contact sport, you’re regularly striking pads, people or bags and therefore exposing yourself to causing damage to yourself and others. This, coupled with the fact training is intensive and demands full-body engagement, makes injuries common, especially for first-time practitioners.
Exploring Muay Thai: The Ancient Art of Eight Limbs
Muay Thai, also known as Thai Boxing, is a martial art and combat sport that originated in Thailand. Unlike western boxing or other striking arts, Muay Thai is known as the "art of the eight limbs" because it combines punches, kicks, knee strikes, elbow strikes, and clinching techniques. This unique combination of techniques makes Muay Thai a highly effective and dynamic martial ar
Muay Thai For Beginners – How To Succeed
Even if you’ve had previous experience with another combat or full contact sport, the intensity and full body workouts that you get when training Muay Thai can come as a surprise. That’s why it’s important to approach learning Muay Thai with the right mindset and take advantage of our tips on how to succeed.
What Is Primo Fight Wear?
Founded in 2020 in Bangkok, Thailand - the Mecca of Muay Thai - Primo Fightwear has quickly established itself as a global player in the Muay Thai space. Their designs and craftsmanship push the boundaries of style and material selection for Muay Thai gear, resulting in products that are bold, durable and often unique.
5 Ways To Use The Teep
The teep, also referred to as a push kick, is a long-range, diverse Muay Thai technique that can be targetted at various body parts. It is different to a front-kick in that it uses thrusting and extension of the hips,...
How to Learn Muay Thai: Diversify Your Training Now
After a while of regular training, it's likely you'll hit some sort of plateau which will frustrate you, make you question your level of passion for the sport and have you searching for ways to make it exciting again. This is common with any sport or hobby and you'll need to evaluate whether it's a genuine disinterest and not just a “wall”.
Achieve Your Fitness Goals: Can You Get Fit with Muay Thai?
Muay Thai is as effective for keeping fit as it is a striking discipline. In a 2 hour session, you can easily burn anywhere between 1000 – 2000 calories, if not more. That's equivalent to 2 hours running at 8-10mpg or 2 hours cycling at 20mph.
How To Pick The Right Muay Thai Shorts
Muay Thai shorts are incredibly distinct and, besides kickboxing, are rarely seen in any other sport or martial art setting. They are specifically designed for Muay Thai practitioners and are built with materials that enable ventilation, comfort and heat dissipation....