Muay Thai Tips & Tricks

Exploring Muay Thai: The Ancient Art of Eight Limbs
Muay Thai, also known as Thai Boxing, is a martial art and combat sport that originated in Thailand. Unlike western boxing or other striking arts, Muay Thai is known as the "art of the eight limbs" because it combines punches, kicks, knee strikes, elbow strikes, and clinching techniques. This unique combination of techniques makes Muay Thai a highly effective and dynamic martial ar
Achieve Your Fitness Goals: Can You Get Fit with Muay Thai?
Muay Thai is as effective for keeping fit as it is a striking discipline. In a 2 hour session, you can easily burn anywhere between 1000 – 2000 calories, if not more. That's equivalent to 2 hours running at 8-10mpg or 2 hours cycling at 20mph.
Enhance Your Mental Wellbeing With Muay Thai
People are increasingly conscious of the integral role mental wellbeing takes in our individual lives, and rightly so – it is estimated that 1 in 6 people experienced some sort of mental health problem in any given week. No longer is mental wellbeing the taboo topic it once was but is now an increasing focus amongst healthcare institutes, government policy and employers too.
Why Train Muay Thai: 9 Compelling Reasons
While Muay Thai is widely considered the most effective striking discipline in the world, its reputation often deters many people from practising the sport as they consider it too brutal or likely to involve too much pain. While there is some justification in this, much of the pain arising from contact can be avoided and the benefits Muay Thai brings even the average practitioner are worthwhile and varied.