This page promotes national and international projects that contribute to a better global understanding and appreciation of Muay Thai.


Project Name



The Warrior Collective

Stuart Tomlinson

The Warrior Collective is an ambitious project that creates and collates professional video guides on a range of Martial Arts, including Muay Thai. Stuart Tomlinson has developed a wide network of gyms, coaches and fighters in the UK which provides the Warrior Collective with a regular feed of unique and clearly explained Muay Thai tips and insights.

Drive for Muay Thai in The Olympics

Various, IFMA spearheads.

Muay Thai (Muaythai) has a long, rich history and is practiced in over 150 countries. As it's global popularity develops, a case for its inclusion in the Olympics grows ever more convincing and there is a possibility it will make its debut in 2024. While it's likely the International Olympic Committee will demand an "evolution" in the scoring and use of techniques (e.g. discouraging prolonged clinching), the Olympics would prove an epic moment in the history of Muay Thai.

Muay Ties


Muay Ties is an excellent, regularly updated media resource for videos and pictures of fights, training footage, interviews and news from Bangkok. Most of the videos are HD quality and professionally edited, making for an enjoyable experience. Their Youtube channel is loaded with great videos.

8 Limbs US

Sylvie von Duuglas-Ittu

Sylvie fully immersed herself in Muay Thai in the aim of fighting first 100, then 200 fights in Thailand - an impressive feat. She regularly updates her page with personally created videos and articles, ranging from videos on techniques/insights from Thai coaches, to mental health in Muay Thai, and commenting on everything in between. Her technique videos are among the most detailed and are often direct from source.

Muay Thai Scholar

Aaron Jahn

Aaron Jahn is the Muay Thai Scholar. His project excels in its production of highlight videos and historical analysis. On his site and Youtube page you can learn about the history of Muay Thai and many of its famous characters. The site also features interesting list articles and advice on techniques and nutrition.
Punchkicktap Team Effort Punchkicktap provides a crowd-funding platform for fans, friends and family to reward fighters for their efforts in the ring/cage. Considering the risk exposure Muay Thai fighters endure, both in training and the ring, they are often disproportionately paid. Punchkicktap provides a channel for the public to help balance the risk/reward ratio, and, in turn, open Muay Thai (and MMA) up to a wider audience.
Nak Muay Nation A collective, including Paul Banasiak & Sean Fagan Nak Muay Nation is an online collection of paid-for resources put together by a collective, which includes numerous authors on this list. Designed to be a platform for Muay Thai students to learn new and hone existing skills, Nak Muay Nation centralises some of the best online resources and knowledge for Muay Thai.
Muay Thai Pros Stephen Kong & Ben Kong The Muay Thai Pros site helped inspire the inception of Muay Thailand. Stephen & Ben Kong have done an excellent job at producing clear and interesting videos & articles on everything Muay Thai. Their regularly updated content and timeless "Ultimate Guides" are useful for any fan or practitioner of Muay Thai.
Muay Thai Guy Sean Fagan The Muay Thai Guy is among the original Western ambassadors of Muay Thai to use the internet for expanding the sport's popularity. Sean's story and knowledge, all of which is shared in videos, articles and more, is inspiring and educational. Sean collaborates with Paul Banasiak and others in this list to develop Nak Muay Nation.
Striking Breakdowns Lawrence Kenshin Lawrence Kenshin is renowned for his ability to analyse striking videos and breakdown strengths, weaknesses, mistakes, opportunities, traps and much more in a clear and concise manner, ensuring the viewer learns and enjoys themselves while watching.
Muay Thai Athlete Paul Banasiak Paul has an impressive fight record and shares his experiences in and out of the ring in a long list of videos and articles. His Youtube channel is great for developing knowledge and learning new techniques & drills. Paul collaborates closely with Sean Fagan on a variety of projects.
Fight Tips Shane Fazen Shane doesn't keep his content exclusively to Muay Thai, but does a great job of creating content on a wide spectrum of aspects in striking techniques. Shane's Youtube channel is especially popular and features videos on fitness, style breakdowns, Muay Thai Vs Everything and more.
Sherdog Team Effort

Strictly speaking, Sherdog is not a Muay Thai focused site and is not necessarily driven by a desire to grow the popularity of Muay Thai in particular. However, Sherdog has an unrivalled global fan base for MMA and there are dozens of threads in the popular forum on Muay Thai focused topics. There is no doubt that useful ideas, experiences and tips for Muay Thai can be found there.